An Innovation to Test Treatment X Pretest Interactions within Difference-in-Differences


  • Robert E. Larzelere Oklahoma State University Author
  • Hua Lin Oklahoma State University Author



Difference-in-differences, Treatment X Pretest interaction, Longitudinal analyses, Causal validity, ANCOVA


We introduce a way to test Treatment X Pretest interactions within difference-in-differences (DID). Mathematically adding a Treatment X Pretest interaction to DID transforms the treatment estimate to an ANCOVA-type estimate, which differs from DID's estimate and is often biased against at-risk cases. Dual-centered ANCOVA duplicates DID's treatment estimate and can test whether that estimate varies by pretest scores. To illustrate, we test a Treatment X Pretest interaction for the effects of therapy for depression using the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing longitudinal dataset. After centering posttest and pretest outcome data on pretest group means, DID and ANCOVA estimates are both equivalent to the original DID treatment estimate. ANCOVA of these dual-centered data can then test a Treatment X Pretest interaction.

Author Biographies

  • Robert E. Larzelere, Oklahoma State University

    Dr. Robert Larzelere is the Endowed Professor of Parenting Research in the Department of Human Development and Family Science. 

  • Hua Lin, Oklahoma State University

    Dr. Hua Lin is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Science






Theory and Methods

How to Cite

Larzelere, R., & Lin, H. (2025). An Innovation to Test Treatment X Pretest Interactions within Difference-in-Differences. Journal of Behavioral Data Science, 5(1), 1-16.